Monday, August 4, 2008


Lord I pray,
As I go throughout my day,
Speak your words of wisdom in my ear.

So I will not stray,
As I go throughout my day,
Cause I know that my Father is near.

Come what may,
As I go throughout my day,
I'll tell of your goodness without fear.

What I'm tring to say,
As I go throughout my day,
Is the time we've been preparing for is here.

So let us be a lighthouse for you,
Show the way to the shore,
Let us have desire for you,
Never done always wanting more,
Let us be a lighthouse for you,
This is what we were made for,
The night has come,
The waves are big,
Lets have some fun,
and bring them in,
Oh Lord, let us be a lighthouse for you.

1 comment:

Jonathan Trentham said...

I really like the last section of this one. Ive never seen the lighthouse metaphor taken so completely. Keep it up, lets have some fun.